Contact the ACI Foundation

Ann Daugherty

Ann Masek, Executive Director – +1.248.848.3144
Our goals, how to get involved, and donation opportunities

Tricia Ladely

Tricia Ladely, Assistant Director – +1.248.848.3737
Program Inquiries
Concrete Innovation Council, Concrete Research Council

Kari Martin

Kari Martin, Fundraising Manager – +1.248.848.3757
Donation and Contribution Opportunities

Chandice Marchio

Chandice Moore, Program Manager – +1.248.848.3741
Scholarship Council

Applications for Scholarships and Fellowships – +1.248.848.3741

Stacey McCann, Marketing Manager – +1.248.848.3758
Media Inquiries

The ACI Foundation is one of the 501(c)3 subsidiary organizations in the ACI family of companies

Foundation HQ

ACI Foundation

38800 Country Club Drive
Farmington Hills, MI 48331